Height Athletics & HIBA

Winston Salem Wizards

CEO OF HIBA and Winston Salem Wizards, “says we want a culture that our players represent. A culture that HIBA believes in and can be proud of. A culture that our team will rally around. We feel we took a step in the right direction in building that culture” Today we like introduce Coach Chad Gallager. as the head Coach of the Winston Salem Wizards!! Coach Gallager is a man with very high charterer and morale,and good strong christian values!!! The” HIBA” is a stage where undiscovered players can perform. It is the medium through which both raw and experienced basketball talent can maintain and hone their skills through competitive league play.In a efficient professional basketball league. It our goal to become one of the best Pro league in the World!! And with coach Gallager as leader of Wizards we are headed in the right direction




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