Height Athletics & HIBA

Creating a Virus and infection free Environment

Creating a Virus free Work place, Church, Sporting Events, School, Home, Daycare, Nursing home ect…..

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Gold Standard of exposing the hidden carrier. Faster then any known practice today!!

The technology is a non-invasive human pre-scanning device that will detect an infection within the human body, with 99% accuracy. It’s a safe and simple invasive test with results in 30-45 seconds. By blowing into a straw (ISO straw) connected to the device, as you enter facility you will be assured that your people are virus free. This will create a virus free Environment for the next 48 hours.

Because the detection time is so rapid, you can easily test before and after event session. Each test will expose those who are thought to be carriers, who don’t show any symptoms of an infection. The technology has a better than 90% accuracy rating in exposing persons that are Asymptomatic

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to keep your employee, staff and parishioner , team players and children safe!

For free consultation contact us haadmins@heightathletics.net or 202-527- 9198


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